Senin, 03 September 2012

Paul Ryan

Rethinking Election: Getting to Know More about Paul Ryan
Some of you may already know about a man who already gives his life for the nations. This is probably quite a difficult time during the days of campaign or anything that related to the elections. This man had such a special characteristics in his way of speech and making such dramatic decisions during a hard time. Paul Ryan is a US Representative for the first ever the state of Wisconsin District Congress. He is also included into the nominee for Vice President of the United States in the election of 2012 from the Republican Party. Some of you may already hear about him and you may know that he is one of the strongest candidates to chosen to represent the Republican Party.
For some reason, election is probably quite a serious thing for some people. However, if they do not pay more attention to each candidate, they are probably going to be confused in the day when they have to select one of the two candidates. This is the reason that you should be more aware of each person who represents himself as a candidate for a party. In this case, we would like to get to know more aboutPaul Ryan. He is one of the strongest candidates that are probably the most represent able among any other candidate from other states.
As we all know, Paul Ryan starts his political carrier when he was accepting a congressional representative position as an economic staff in early 1992. After that, his political carrier went really well until he was recommended to be one of a few candidate that represented for the Republican Party. As a state representative, Ryan announced himself as a candidate that is really concern on fiscal situations, health care public facilities, and in education. In other field, Ryan also concerns about the social issues and of course, the environmental problems that are always being the centre of attention of the world’s political campaign policy.
If we look at those Ryan’s political policy, we may a lot more concern about his fiscal situations policy. As we all know, financial condition that the country has is now becoming a little bit better that a few years ago. Now, the question is does Paul Ryan has what it takes to be a vice president of the United States? We all may be questioning that, but let us just say that even though we claimed that he does, can he be the vice president?

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