Senin, 03 September 2012


The Expensive Whale Ambergris
In the market, the ambergris is one of the most expensive products which are produced by Sperm Whale. This whale vomit is very expensive because there are many good content and many functions which can make the peoples life more interesting. Although for some people who did not know about the content of this whale vomit, think that it is disgusting, but for the other people it is very useful and important. The fresh whale vomit is a dirty, dark and the thing which is not smell good, but with the help of the sea water which had a high salt, this thing become shiner and smells better. There are not many people know that this whale vomit become the important ingredient for the famous perfumes in the world.

With putting this ingredient in the perfume, you will be able to get the sea aroma which is very fresh. In the market, this whale vomit which is very rare is sold for up to $ 63000 in United Kingdom. It is very expensive for the vomit. There are many fishermen who try to found this whale vomit and try to get more money from it. This expensive ambergris will bring you to the richness easily. The whale throw it up because the irritation in its stomach because of the squid’s head and certain shellfishes. It is not happen regularly, it is why this whale vomit is a rare thing to found.  Not all whales can throw this kind of vomit out. It is usually made by the male whale.
With the unusual and certain smell, this whale vomit can give various smells when it is used as the primary ingredient to make perfume. It is known for a long time in Africa since 1000 before century. 

For the people in that time, this vomit can also be used as the sexuality enhancer. Many men were using it to make their sex life more interesting. There are many other functions which make this whale vomit more expensive day by day. For the ancient Egyptian, this vomit was used as the ingredient to make the wonderful perfume. This whale vomit will be burned and the aromatic incense will make the people relaxed and refresh. It can be in 15 kg until 50 kg in weight. And the bigger the shape, the more expensive it would be. This ambergris is very useful and also important for the human being.

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